Message from the Mayor - January 2014

First I would like to congratulate Mr. Jerry Fernandez and welcome you to the 2014 Springfield Township Committee. Forty years ago my wife Ginnie and I decided to move to Springfield and begin raising our family here. We choose Springfield because of the beautiful charm, excellent schools, and wonderful people that truly make Springfield a great town. I have shared so many wonderful memories here in Springfield that I do not think I would ever be able to call any other place home. The memories I have made here with my family or the countless friendships I have developed here in Springfield are what truly have touched my heart. With all these wonderful memories, I do have one bad memory and that was the division of town when the talk of closing one elementary school arose many years ago. I saw how this incident divided our wonderful town. Having experienced this once, I am asking my fellow members of the township committee to not be
divided, to unite to do what we feel is best for the town, not what our party feels is best, but do what our heart tells us. As I serve this year as mayor, I do not want it to be about what did I do, but rather what we did do as a Township Committee to make this town a wonderful place to live. One person is not going to make this town, rather 5 people working with the townspeople’s best interest at heart is what is going to truly make this a magnificent year. In closing I would like to thank my wife Ginnie for all her support. Also I would like to thank my children and their families for everything they have done for me. Finally I would like to thank you, the people of Springfield, for putting your faith and trust in me to continue to make Springfield a great place to live.