Township of Springfield Committee Agenda October 13, 2015

Thanks to our sponsors

Township of Springfield, County of Union, State of New Jersey
Agenda and Minutes available at

October 13, 2015

NOTE: This may not be the order of business. There may be additions or deletions.
Regular Session – 7:30 p.m. (2 & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m.)

1. Call to Order
a. Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a Notice sent to The Star Ledger, The Local Source and posted in the Main Lobby of the Municipal Building and on the Township website.
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. Moment of Silence
d. Roll Call

2. Proclamations & Announcements
a. Flu Clinics: Thursday, Oct. 15th , 10-11 a.m. – Senior Housing , Independence Way
Thursday, Oct. 15th, 12:30 – 2 p.m. – Chisholm Community Center
Monday, Oct. 19th, 6-7 p.m. – Chisholm Community Center
(No fee with Medicare Part B; $10 for others)

b. Fall Festival & Car Show, Sunday, October 18th, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mountain Avenue

c. Halloween Spooktacular, Sunday, October 25th, Chisholm Community Center – Doors
Open at 11:30 for costume contest pre-registration

3. Public Comment (Agenda Items Only)

4. Reports
a. Finance
1. Treasurer
a. Payroll & Invoices
i. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
ii. Second: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
iii. Roll Call Vote

5. Minutes & Reports
a. Township Committee
i. Joint Board of Ed Meeting Minutes of July 20, 2015; Workshop Meeting Minutes of
July 20, 2015 and Regular Session Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2015, as emailed
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. All in Favor

6. New Business

a. Ordinances

i. Second Reading

ii. First Reading
1. Ordinance 2015-19 – This ordinance clarifies the various departments in
the Township, re-establishes the Building Department and establishes the
Department of Public Works and position of Zoning Official.
a. Adoption
i. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
ii. Second: Committeeman Huber
iii. Publication: The Local Source, October 15, 2015, with final
hearing on October 27, 2015
b. Discussion
c. Roll Call Vote

b. Resolutions

i. Resolution 2015-293 – This resolution authorizes various offices to maintain a
petty cash fund in the amount of $700.00.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b.Second: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
c. Roll Call Vote
ii. Resolution 2015-294 – This resolution authorizes refund of fees collected from
Pool Utility or Recreation Department.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b. Second: Committeeman Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote
iii. Resolution 2015-295– This resolution authorizes the Police Department to refund monies
collected from their outside overtime/employment account to vendor.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. Roll Call Vote
iv. Resolution 2015-296 - This resolution authorizes the refund of property taxes from a
Tax Court Judgment.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
c. Roll Call Vote
v. Resolution 2015-297 – This resolution of the Township designates a $5,741,251 Bond
Anticipation Note, dated October 2, 2015 and payable September 30, 2016, as a
“Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligation” pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1996, as Amended.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b.Second: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
c. Roll Call Vote
vi. Resolution 2015-298 – This resolution ratifies and confirms the appointment of a
Chisholm Community Center part-time substitute building supervisor.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. Roll Call Vote

vii. Resolution 2015-299 – This resolution awards a contract pursuant to public bidding
law to Denbar Construction, Inc., for Roadwork and Resurfacing Assistance Program -
Contract No. SP15-06 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b. Second: Committeeman Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote
viii. Resolution 2015-300 – This resolution ratifies a contract awarded to Pharos Enterprises,
LLC, for emergency repairs to the DPW Garage.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Ferhandez
b. Second: Committeeman Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote
ix. Resolution 2015-301 – This resolution authorizes the support and participation in the
Volunteer Tuition Credit Program (P.L. 1998,c 145).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
b.Second: Committeeman Huber
c. All in Favor
x. Resolution 2015-302 – This resolution authorizes approval and execution of the
employment agreement with Chief John Cook.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. Roll Call Vote

xi. Resolution 2015-303 – This resolution authorizes approval and execution of the
employment agreement with Captain Patrick McLaughlin.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. Roll Call Vote
xii. Resolution 2015-304 – this resolution authorizes the Chief Financial Officer and/or
Administrator to execute the Best Practice Checklist.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. All in Favor
xiii. Resolution 2015-305 – This resolution awards a contract to Spatial Data Logic to process
permits and various documents in the Building/Construction Department (COAF)
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. Roll Call Vote
xiv. Resolution 2015-306 – this resolution is to award a contract to Hughes Environmental
Engineering, Inc., to install HVAC Units on the Library Roof, which contract being part of a
project funded under the NJ Direct Install Program.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b. Second: Committeeman Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote
c. Discussion & Action Items

i. Approve Recreation Department donation of a $25 gift certificate to support the
James Caldwell Schoo l Fall Festival Basket Auction on Friday, October 16, 2015.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Fernandez
c. Roll Call Vote
ii. Approve Recreation Department donation of a $25 gift certificate to support Jonathan
Dayton High School PTSO Bulldog Basket Auction on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Fernandez
b. Second: Committeeman Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote

iii. Approve “On Premise” 50/50 Raffle License #1218 to PTA Florence M. Gaudineer,
drawing to be held on December 6, 2015, at 78 So. Springfield Avenue
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Bandrowski
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. All in Favor

d. Correspondence
i. NJLM – Notice of Proposed membership Dues

7. Unfinished Business
a. Discussion & Action Items

8. Public Comment (Any Governmental Issue)

9. Closed Session – Res.9.21.15
Contracts: Garbage; Recycling; ASCAP, Spatial Data; Hughes Environmental
Litigation: COAH
Personnel: Fire; DPW; Police

10. Adjournment