Township of Springfield Committee Agenda, Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thanks to our sponsors

Township of Springfield, County of Union, State of New Jersey
Agenda and Minutes available at

August 23, 2016

NOTE: This may not be the order of business. There may be additions or deletions.
Regular Session - 7p.m. (2 & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7p.m.)

1. Call to Order
a. Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a Notice sent to The Star Ledger, The Local Source and posted in the Main Lobby of the Municipal Building and on the Township website.
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. Moment of Silence
d. Roll Call

2. Proclamations & Announcements
a. Congratulations to our Assistant Recreation Director Heather Re who has been selected as
the new chair of District 3 of the NJ Recreation and Park Association. District 3 includes all
municipalities in Union County. In March 2016, Heather was awarded the William D. Foelsch
Young Professional Award at the Association’s annual conference in Atlantic City. Heather has been employed by the Township since November 2014.

b. Springfield Music Fest – Sponsored by Business Improvement District:
Thursday, September 1st, Center Street

c. The Townwide Garage Sale will be held on September 10 and 11 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

3. Public Comment (Agenda Items Only).

4. Reports
a. Finance
1. Treasurer
a. Payroll & Invoices
i. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
ii. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
iii. Roll Call Vote
b. Approve Recreation summer employees as submitted
i. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
ii. Second: Committeeman Huber
iii. Roll Call Vote

b. DPW – Robert Boettcher
c. Recreation – Adam Lieb
1. Discuss part time hire
d. Engineering – Sam Mardini

5. Minutes & Reports

a. Township Committee
i. Regular Meeting Minutes and Executive Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2016, as emailed.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. All in Favor

b. Accept Recreation Council Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2016, as submitted

6. New Business

a. Ordinances

i. Second Reading

ii. First Reading
1. Ordinance 2016-22– This Bond Ordinance authorizes the demolition of the existing|
building and construction of a new main building at the Springfield Municipal
Community Pool in, by and for the Swimming Pool Utility of the Township, to
appropriate the sum of $1,000,000 to pay the cost thereof, to make a down
payment, to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to
provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance
of such bonds.
a. Adoption
i. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
ii.Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
iii.Publication: The Local Source, September 1, 2016, with final hearing on
September 13, 2016
b. Discussion
c. Roll Call Vote

b. Resolutions
i. Resolution 2016-240– This resolution appoints Michael Rella as Foreman of
Department of Public Works.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeewoman Stampoulos
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote

ii. Resolution 2016-241– This resolution authorizes the refund of fees collected from
Pool Utility or Recreation Department.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. Roll Call Vote

iii. Resolution 2016-242 – This resolution is for accepting grant money from the
State of NJ for Clean Communities 2016 Grant.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. Roll Call Vote

iv. Resolution 2016-243 – This resolution authorizes the Mayor and Township Clerk
to sign an Agreement for specialized legal services in connection with certain
redevelopment activities (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. Roll Call Vote

v. Resolution 2016-244 – This resolution ratifies and confirms the hiring of
Kristin Ragland as Administrative Assistant in the Administration Department.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. Roll Call Vote

vi. Resolution 2016-245 – This resolution authorizes an Agreement for certain
Planning Services in connection with certain redevelopment activities (COAF). 1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. Roll Call Vote

vii. Resolution 2016-246 – This resolution approves Change Order No. 1 to
P&A Construction Inc. for the 2016 Road Improvements Project -
Contract No. SP 2016-02 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeewoman Stampoulos
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote

viii. Resolution 2016-247 – This resolution is for an award of Change Order in amount
of $2,050 to previously awarded Professional Services Contract to Pennoni
Associates Inc. The Change Order is for performing a Phase 1 Environmental
Study (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeewoman Stampoulos
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Shehady
c. Roll Call Vote

ix. Resolution 2016-248 – This resolution awards a contract to Dyna-Temp Inc. for
replacement of the boiler and hot water heater at Springfield Free Public
Library (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. Roll Call Vote

x. Resolution 2016-249 – This resolution authorizes the Township of Springfield
to enter into an agreement with Trinitas Regional Medical Center of Cranford,
NJ, to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for Township
employees (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. Roll Call Vote

xi. Resolution 2016-250 – This resolution authorizes an agreement for certain Real
Estate Development Advisory Services pursuant to the local Redevelopment
and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (COAF)
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeewoman Stampoulos
c. Roll Call Vote

c. Discussion & Action Item
i. Approve request from First Aid Squad to close portions of North Trivett Avenue and
Center Street on Sunday, September 25th for a (low-speed) ambulance driver training
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Shehady
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
c. All in Favor

ii. Approve request from Springfield Jr. Dawgs Football Organization for use of pool parking lot
(past jitney parking) to hold BBQ and pep rally on Friday, September 23rd, from 6 to 10 p.m.,
with use of pool bathrooms.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Shehady
c. All in Favor

d. Correspondence
i. Cranford – Pending Ord. 2016-23 – Amending & Supplementing Certain Sections of Land
Development Ordinance

7. Unfinished Business
a. Discussion & Action Items

8. Public Comment (Any Governmental Issue)

9. Executive Session – Res. 8.23.16 – Litigation: Baltusrol
Real Property : Battle Hill Paper Street

10. Adjournment