Scream Truck Is Here!

Thanks to our sponsors

On Monday April 19th we returned to the scene of the Scream!  Scream Truck that is.  Mayor Weber and Chamber Co-Chair Mike Scalera climbed into the truck and headed towards the Town Hall escorted by Chamber Co-Chair Scott Seidel and the Auxiliary Police.  Stopping at the Mayor’s house, neighbors were treated to some ice cream, then off we went to Town Hall.  At Town Hall employees and a few passersby sampled the ice cream.  Then back to 30 Hillside Avenue to their headquarters for the Ribbon Cutting and a small celebration with their employees, family, friends and customers.

To recap, this is a new business concept where you sign up at, then they text you when the truck is coming to your Springfield neighborhood.  Simply “Reply Y” to their text, place your soft serve ice cream order online and they prepare it right in front of your house later that day.  Founded by long-time New Jersey resident Eric Murphy, they also do private parties with fully customized LED TV screens, custom menus and any type of music from their on-board sound system.  Check out their website at to book your next special event!

Photo 1:   (l to r)  Chamber VP Elliot Merkin, Deputy Mayor Alex Keiser, Scream Tream Operations Manager Mia Miller, Mayor Chris Weber, Savannah Murphy (Founder’s daughter / namesake of the Sweet Savannah Sundae), Scream Truck Founder/CEO Eric Murphy, Scream Truck President Jason Black, Chamber Co-Chairs Scott Seidel and Mike Scalera

Photo 2:   Family, Friends & Customers

Photo 3:  Mike Scalera and Mayor Weber Climb Aboard

Photo 4: Scream Truck Custom LED Display