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The parishioners of Saint James the Apostle Church expressed love and appreciation for their pastor, Rev. Joseph F. Barbone on the occasion of his retirement with a special mass followed by a picnic on the church grounds on Sunday, June 27, 2021.

“Fr. Joe,” as he is affectionately known to his parishioners, has served as  pastor of Saint James since January 2016. His last day as pastor is June 30, 2021.

“You have enriched my life by your faith, your dedication to the parish and the sharing of your families with me,” Fr. Joe told those attending the mass in the packed church.

Rev. Barbone was ordained a Catholic priest by the Archdiocese of Newark on May 27, 1972, and had served as pastor of Catholic parishes in Plainfield and Bayonne before coming to Saint James.

 Township Committeeman, Chris Capodice, a long-time parishioner of Saint James, read a proclamation by Springfield Mayor, Chris Weber, that summarized Rev. Barbone’s 49 years of ministry.  While in Springfield, Rev. Barbone was an active member of the Springfield Clergy Association, and a regular participant at the Township’s reorganizational meetings and annual Memorial Day and Veterans Day Observance Ceremonies.

Father Joe led Saint James in community participation with Springfield’s Adopt a Spot, an annual veterans appreciation mass and  luncheon, and his involvement with the Knights of Columbus and Boy Scout Troup #73.

Rev. Barbone plans to retire in Monmouth County where he will assist local parishes as a weekend associate.