Springfield Recreation Offering Painting and Cupcake Decorating Classes in January

Thanks to our sponsors

Springfield Recreation Department and Sweet Samantha are offering two youth classes this winter! Children ages 7-14 can join us for acrylic painting and cake/cupcake/cookie decorating fun! Classes start in January at the Chisholm Community Center. Details are available at www.springfield-nj.us/recreation and www.sweet-samantha.com. Email Samantha at [email protected] to register! Springfield resident Samantha Kestin is a 2-time Food Network competitor on "Cake Wars" and "Sweet Genius." Her cakes have been featured in magazines, newspaper articles, and online!

www.springfield-nj.us/recreation and www.sweet-samantha.com. Email Samantha at samilynn9@aol." data-share-imageurl="">