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10/19/14 Expect Delays on Route 22 East in Union Next Week

Expect Delays on Route 22 East in Union Next Week
New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials announced that one lane of Route 22 eastbound in Union will close starting Monday for up to eight days for PSE&G utility work.

Beginning at 7 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, PSE&G will close the left lane of Route 22 eastbound near the Foot Locker just west of North Michigan Road to just past the Sunoco gas station. Drivers will still be able to access to the businesses and gas station.

Battle of Springfield Returns to Meisel Avenue Park on Saturday 10-18-2014, Don't Miss It!!

This year is a huge anniversary for all of us in New Jersey but particularly here in Union County. In 1664 King Charles II granted land in what is now the state of New Jersey to Lords Berkeley and Carteret. The capital of that new colony was named Elizabethtown after Lady Carteret. This was the beginning of our state and eventually the county seat we know as Elizabeth!

Route 24 Eastbound Lane Closures Summit/Millburn 9-17-14

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced overnight lane closures in the eastbound direction on heavily traveled Route 24 will begin tonight for priority repairs to the Hobart Avenue Bridge connecting Summit, Union County and Milburn, Essex County.

The bridge, which goes over Route 24, was struck by a tractor trailer carrying construction equipment on August 26, damaging three beams. NJDOT evaluation crews assessed the structure and closed the Hobart Avenue Bridge to ensure the safety of motorists.
