Organization Meeting January 1, 2025 Noon
1. Meeting called to Order by the Township Clerk.
2. Posting of Colors and Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Carl Ostergaard, Union County Vice Commander, and Members Charles Gleason, Marty Mann and David Penna of American Legion Post #228, followed by Springfield American Legionnaire Ernie DellaSala playing God Bless America.
3. Township Clerk announces that the Meeting is being held in accordance with the Public
Laws of 1975, Chapter 231, and proper notification has been given in The Local Source,
The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board in Town Hall and on the Township’s
4. Invocation by Father David Santos, Pastor, St. James R.C. Church, Springfield
5. Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi presents Certificates of Election to Township Committee Members Elect Chris Weber and Alexander Keiser
6. David Barnett, administers the Oath of Office to Township Committee Member Elect Chris Weber.
7. Honorable John McKeon administers the Oath of Office to Township Committee
Member Elect Alexander Keiser.
8. Township Clerk calls for nominations for the position of Chair of the Township Committee for the year 2025:
a.Christopher Capodice seconded by Alexander Keiser nominates Richard Huber.
A) Voice Vote
9. Edward Fanning administers the Oath of Office to Mayor Elect Richard Huber.
10. The Mayor calls for nominations for Vice-Chair of the Township Committee for the year
a. Christopher Capodice seconded by Alexander Keiser nominates Harris Laufer.
A) Voice Vote
11. Remarks by: Committeeman Chris Weber, Committeeman Alexander Keiser.and
Mayor Richard Huber.
12. The Mayor announces the Members of the Working Committees for the year 2025:
a. Department of Revenue and Finance, Includes Township Real Estate, Insurance, Budget Control, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Pension Fund, Purchasing and Assessment of Taxes
1. Alexander Keiser, Chair
2. Harris Laufer
b. Department of Public Safety, Includes Police Department, Fire Department, Office of Emergency Management, Local Assistance Board, Building Department and Construction Code Official
1. Harris Laufer, Chair
2. Chris Weber
c. Department of Administration, Includes Office of the Township Clerk, Licenses, Personnel, Sanitation as pertains to Collection of Refuse, Township Attorney and Administrator
1. Christopher Capodice, Chair
2. Alexander Keiser
d. Department of Public Affairs, Includes Parks and Public Property, Animal Welfare, and Recreation
1. Chris Weber, Chair
2. Richard Huber
e. Department of Public Works, Includes Engineering Department and Road Department
1. Richard Huber, Chair
2. Christopher Capodice
13. Township Attorney for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-01 – This resolution appoints the Township Attorney and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Kraig Dowd, Esq., of the Firm Weber Dowd Law, LLC, for Legal Services for the period ending December 31, 2025 at a fee set by contract.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice b.Second: Committeeman Keiser Roll Call Vote
14. Bond Counsel for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-02 – This resolution appoints Bond Counsel and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Steven Rogut, Esq., of the firm of Rogut McCarthy, LLC, for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by
1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b.Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
15..Labor Counsel for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-03 – This resolution appoints Labor Counsel and authorizes
award of Professional Service Contract with R. Scott Eveland, Esq., of the firm
Inglesino Taylor, for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by
1 Adoption
a.Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b.Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
16. Township Auditor for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-04 – This resolution appoints an Auditor and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Warren M. Korecky, of the firm Suplee, Clooney & Company, for the year ending December 31, 2024, at a fee set by
1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
17. Consulting Township Engineer for the year 2025: a.Resolution 2025-05 – This resolution appoints Consulting Township Engineer and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with CME Associates for the
year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by contract.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
18. Consulting Township Engineer for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-06 – This resolution appoints Consulting Township Engineer and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
(GPI) for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by contract.
1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Huber b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
19. Township Planner for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-07 - This resolution appoints Township Planner and authorizes
award of Professional Service Contract with Victor Vinegra of Harbor
Consultants for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by contract.
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
20. Special Counsel – Tax Appeals (Appeal Defense) – for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-08 – This resolution appoints Special Counsel for Tax Appeals
(Appeal Defense) and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with
Robert Renaud, Esq., of the firm Renaud Colicchio LLC, for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by contract.
1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
21. Special Counsel – Tax Appeals (“Reverse” Appeals) – for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-09 – This resolution appoints Special Counsel for Tax Appeals
(“Reverse” Appeals) and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with
Charles Blau, Esq., of the firm Blau & Blau, Esqs., for the year ending
December 31, 2025.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call
22. Redevelopment Counsel Services for the year 2025:
a. Resolution 2025-10 – This resolution appoints Redevelopment Counsel Services
and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Trenk Isabel Siddiqi
& Shahdanian P.C. for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a fee set by
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer
b. Second: Committeeman Capodice
Roll Call Vote
23. Licensed Real Estate Appraisal Services for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-11 – This resolution appoints an award of Professional Service
Contract for Licensed Real Estate Appraisal Services with Otteau Group
for the period ending December 31, 2025.
a.Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b,Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
24. Special Counsel – Affordable Housing – for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-12 – This resolution appoints Special Counsel for Affordable
Housing and authorizes award of Professional Service Contract with Surenian,
Edwards, Buzak & Nolan LLC, for the year ending December 31, 2025, at a
fee set by contract.
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
25. Prosecutor of the Municipal Court for the year 2025: a.Resolution 2025-13 – This resolution appoints Howard Egenberg, Esq., as Prosecutor of the Municipal Court for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025.
1. Adoption a.Motion: Committeeman Capodice b. Second: Committeeman Keiser Roll Call Vote
26. Alternate Prosecutor of the Municipal Court for the year 2025: a. Resolution 2025-14– This resolution appoints Michael Wittenberg, Esq., as Alternate Prosecutor of the Municipal Court for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025. 1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice b. Second: Committeeman Keiser Roll Call Vote
27. Public Defender of the Municipal Court for the year 2025: a.Resolution 2025-15 –This resolution appoints Steven Goldstein, Esq., as a Public Defender of the Municipal Court for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025. 1. Adoption a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice b. Second: Committeeman Keiser Roll Call Vote
28 Alternate Public Defender of the Municipal Court for the year 2025:
a.Resolution 2025-16 – This resolution appoints Jared Weiss, Esq., Alternate
Public Defender of the Municipal Court for a one year term, expiring December 31,
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
29. Planning Board:
a. The Mayor announces the reappointment of David Barnett as a Class IV
Member the Planning Board for a four year term, expiring December 31, 2028.
b. The Mayor announces the reappointment of Jeff Tiger as a Class IV Member
of the Planning Board for a four year term, expiring December 31, 2028.
c. The Mayor announces the reappointment of Richard Cederquest as a Class II Member of the Planning Board for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025.
d.The Mayor announces the appointment of Scott Wishna as an Alternate II Member
of the Planning Board for a two year term, expiring December 31, 2026.
e. The Mayor announces that he will service as the Township Committee
Representative of the Planning Board for a one year term, expiring December 31,
f. The Mayor announces that Alexander Keiser will serve as the Mayor’s
Representative of the Planning Board for a one year term, expiring December 31,
30. Board of Adjustment: a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser,
nominate Michael Weckstein as a Member of the Board of Adjustment
for four year term, expiring December 31, 2028.
a. Voice Vote
b. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser, nominate Anika Dodson as an Alternate I Member of the Board of
adjustment a two year term, expiring December 31, 2027.
a. Voice Vote
c. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser,
nominate Randy Pearlman as an Alternate II Member of the Board of
Adjustment to fill a term expiring on December 31, 2025.
a. Voice Vote
31. Board of Health: a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser seconded by Committeeman Capodice
nominates Jessie Hayward, Aron Laufer and Steven Keppler as Members of the Board of Health, for three year terms, expiring December 31, 2027.
a. Voice Vote
b.. The Mayor announces that Harris Laufer will serve as the Liaison to the
Board of Health for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025.
32. Library Board of Trustees:
a. The Mayor announces the appointment of Lisa Capodice and Sue Firsichbaum
as members of the Library Board of Trustees of the Springfield Free Public Library, for five year terms, expiring December 31, 2029. Motion: Committeeman Keiser, seconded by Deputy Mayor Laufer, approve this appointment. a. Voice Vote
b.The Mayor announces that he will serve as the Mayor’s Representative
to the Springfield Free Public Library, for a one year term, expiring December 31,
33. Environmental Commission:
a. The Mayor announces the reappointments of Maura Blau and Michael
Szczepanski to the Environmental Commission for three year terms, expiring December 31, 2027.
b. The Mayor announces the reappointment of Howard Apsan as an Alternate 1
Member of the Environmental Commission for a two year term, expiring on
December 31, 2026.
c. The Mayor announces the designation of Alyson Miller as the Chair and
Presiding Officer for the Environmental Commission for a one year term,
expiring December 31, 2025.
e. The Mayor announces that Chris Weber will serve as the Liaison to the
Environmental Commission for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025.
34. Tax Map Official:
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser, seconded by Deputy Mayor Laufer nominate Michael McGurl, PLS, as Tax Map Official for a one year term,
expiring December 31, 2025.
a. Voice Vote
35. Rent Leveling Board: a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser reappoint Scott Horowitz and Richard Cederquest as Members of the Rent
Leveling Board for three year terms, expiring December 31, 2027.
a. Voice Vote
b. Resolution 2025-17 – This resolution appoints Agata DelMauro as Secretary
to the Rent Leveling Board, for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025,
at a salary set by ordinance.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
c. Resolution 2025-18 -This resolution appoints Roosevelt Donat Esq., of the firm
Murphy Schiller & Wilkes LLP, as attorney to the Rent Leveling Board, for a one
year term expiring, December 31, 2025, at a salary set by Ordinance.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
36.Municipal Alliance Committee: a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser, nominate
the following people for appointment to the Municipal Alliance Committee, for a one year
term, expiring December 31, 2025.
1. Board of Education TBD
2. Superintendent of Schools Rachel Goldberg
3. High School Principal Dr. Norman Francis
4. Police Department Chief John Cook
5. Recreation Department Director Adam Lieb
6. Board of Health Marconi Gapas
7. Chamber of Commerce Michael Scalera
8. Administrator John Bussiculo
9. Mayor’s Representative Richard Huber
10. Public Representative TBD
a. Voice Vote
37. Safety Officer: a.Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer, seconded by Committeeman Weber, nominates Scott Seidel as Safety Officer for the year 2025. a.Voice Vote
38. Emergency Management Council
a. The Mayor announces the appointment of the following to the Local Emergency
Management Council for the year ending December 31, 2025.
1. Coordinator Scott Seidel
2. Deputy Coordinators Apu Mullick, Frank Applegate &
Ryan Westover
3. Police Department John Cook
4. Fire Department Michael Mastroeni
5. Hazmat Officer Marc Corea
6. 1st Aid Squad Apu Mullick
7. Township Engineer Michael Disko
8. Health Officer Marconi Gapas
9. Mayor Richard Huber
10. Administrator John Bussiculo
11. Township Clerk Linda Donnelly
12. School Superintendent Rachel Goldberg
13. Business & Industry Michael Scalera & Alternate John
14. Media Jay Spinelli
15. Logistics Jennifer Law
39. Union County Committee on Revenue Sharing:
a.The Mayor announces the appointments of Harris Laufer and John Bussiculo to the Union County Committee on Revenue Sharing for a one year term, expiring
December 31, 2025.
40. Union County Transportation Advisory Board
a. The Mayor announces the appointment of Robert Boettcher and Michael
Rella to the Union County Transportation Advisory Board for a one year
term, expiring December 31, 2025.
41. Union County Solid Waste Advisory Commission
a. The Mayor announces the appointment of Alexander Keiser to the Union
County Solid Waste Advisory Commission for a one year term, expiring
December 31, 2025.
42. Business Improvement District:
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice, seconded by Committeeman Keiser
nominate Richard Huber as Township Committee Member and Liaison to serve on
The Special Improvement District, district management corporation’s Board of
Directors for a one year term, expiring December 31, 2025.
a. Voice Vote
43. Mayors Council for Rahway River Watershed Flood Council:
a. The Mayor announces that Alexander Keiser will serve as the Township Committee
Liaison to the Mayors Council for Rahway River Watershed Council for a one year
Term, expiring December 31, 2025.
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a.Resolution 2025-19 – establishes petty cash funds
b.Resolution 2025-20– authorizes CFO to pay certain claims
c.Resolution 2025-21– establishes cash management plan for 2025
d.Resolution 2025-22 – authorizes the adoption of Current Fund and Pool Utility
Fund Temporary Budget appropriations prior to the Adoption of the CY2025 budget
e.Resolution 2025-23 – authorizes cancellation of tax overpayments or delinquent
amounts less than $10.00
f.Resolution 2025-24 – authorizes the Tax Collector to hold an Electronic Tax Sale
for unpaid taxes, municipal liens or changes pursuant to provisions of N.J.S.A.
54:5-19.1, as amended
g.Resolution 2025-25 – authorizes Township Committee to fix the rate of interest and
penalty to be charged for non-payment of taxes or assessments when same become\
h.Resolution 2025-26 – authorizes Tax Collector to hold a tax sale for unpaid
taxes, municipal liens or charges pursuant to provisions of N.J.S.A.54:5-29, et seq.,
as amended.
i.Resolution 2025-27 - provides that certain over-time provisions are applicable to law
enforcement personnel, as per the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
j.Resolution 2025-28 – provides that certain over-time provisions are applicable to
fire-fighting personnel as per Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
k.Resolution 2025-29 – appoints Recreation Council for 2025
l.Resolution 2025-30 – awards a professional service contract to Phoenix Advisors LLC
as financial advisor to the Township
m.Resolution 2025-31 – appoints Crossing Guards for 2025
n.Resolution 2025-32 – re-appoints Deputy OEM Coordinators and Admin OEM
o.Resolution 2025-33– appoints Auxiliary Police Officers
p.Resolution 2025-34 – participation in Mayors Council for Rahway River Watershed
Flood Control
q.Resolution 2025-35 – appointing a Court Administrator
r.Resolution 2025-36 – appointing Risk Management Consultant
s. Resolution 2025-37– appointing Fund Commissioner
t.Resolution 2025-38– professional service contract to M. Disko Associates for
Townsing engineering services
u.Resolution 2025-39 – appointing Michael Disko, Township Engineer, as the Public
Agency Compliance Officer for the Township
v.Resolution 2025-40 –
w.Resolution 2025-41 – designating official newspapers
x Resolution 2025-42– approving annual meeting schedule
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
45. Township Clerk administers Oath of Office to all appointees present.
46. Public Comment (Any Governmental Issue).
47. Benediction by Rabbi Mendy Avtzon, Chabad of Springfield
48. Motion to adjourn: Deputy Mayor Laufer seconded by Committeeman Weber.
49. Mayor declares the Organizational Meeting of the Springfield Township Committee for
2025 is now closed.