Township of Springfield, County of Union, State of New Jersey
Agenda and Minutes available at
Township Committee – November 26, 2024 at 7 p.m.
NOTE: This may not be the order of business. There may be additions or deletions. Regular Session - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.
1. Call to Order
a. Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a Notice sent to The Star Ledger, The Local Source and posted in the Main Lobby of the Municipal Building and on the Township website.
b. Pledge of Allegiance led by Carl Ostergaard, Jr., Vice Commander, American Legion Post #228.
c. Moment of Silence
d. Roll Call
2. Proclamations & Announcements
a. Springfield Residents 55+ December 2024 Calendar.
b. All Municipal Offices will be closed on November 28th & 29th.
c. Township of Springfield’s Tree Lighting, Town Hall Lawn, Tuesday December 3rd
from 5:30 – 8pm. Rain/snow date Wednesday December 4th.
d. Save the date! Santa visits Springfield on Saturday December 7th. Inclement weather date is scheduled for Saturday, December 14th. More details to follow.
e. Rabies Clinic scheduled for Saturday January 11th 10am – 12pm at Chisholm Community Center. Please bring exact cash or check payable to Township of Springfield. 2025 renewal licenses will be issued at the event.
f. Proclamation- Michael Sarracino, Eagle Scout Project
g. Presentation – UC Connects – Rails to Trails – Stephen Dunn, Jr.
h. Bulk Pick is scheduled for December 11th & 12th. Please have everything out by Tuesday night (December 10th). Each street will only be picked up once.
i. The next Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday December 18th at 7pm.
3. Public Comment (Agenda Items Only)
4. Reports
a. Administrator’s Report – John Bussiculo
b. Department Head Monthly Reports, as emailed.
5. Minutes
6. New Business
a. Ordinances
i. Second Reading – None
ii. First Reading- -None
b. Resolutions
i. Resolution 2024- 260 This resolution authorizes the “In-Step Pay Increase” to Michael Montero to 4th Class Firefighter.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
ii. Resolution 2024- 261 This resolution awards a Professional Service contract to Greenman-Pederson Inc. (GPI) for Tree Top Drive Drainage Survey. (COAF)
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
iii. Resolution 2024- 262 This resolution authorizes renewal for an additional one-year term of the Township’s agreement with Summit Area YMCA regarding the operation of the Springfield Community Pool.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
iv. Resolution 2024- 263 This resolution appoints per diem seasonal Basketball
Officials and Clinic Instructors in the Springfield Recreation Department.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser Roll Call Vote
v. Resolution 2024-264 This resolution awards a contract to Ben Shaffer
Recreation Inc. of Lake Hopatcong, NJ, for Alvin Park playground
Equipment and installation (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
vi. Resolution 2024- 265 This resolution awards a contract pursuant to public
bidding law to Reiner Pump Systems for the Marion Avenue Pump Station
Project – Contract SP-2024-08 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
vii. Resolution 2024- 266 This resolution authorizes the refund of property tax
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
viii. Resolution 2024-267 This resolution authorizes the purchase of electricity
supply services for public use on an online auction website.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
ix. Resolution 2024-268 This resolution authorizes the promotion of Edward Young to the position of Equipment Operator in the Department of Public Works.
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
x. Resolution 2024-269 This resolution conditionally authorizes the retention of certain funds by the Springfield Township Free Public Library for use in the replacement of ceiling tiles and overhead light fixtures in the Library building.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b.Second Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
c. Discussion/Action Items:
i. Request from Chabad of Springfield to have their 12th annual Menorah Lighting on Thursday,
December 26, 4:30 p.m., Veterans Park, with use of bucket lift and presence of Auxiliary
Police, with Menorah staying up until the end of Chanukah. (Hold Harmless and
Certificate of Insurance provided on approval of request.)
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
7. Finance
a. Treasurer
i. Payroll & Invoices for the period November 14, 2024 through November 26, 2024 in the amount of $9,058,658,51.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
ii. October Budget
iii. October Pool Budget
iv. October Revenue
v. October Pool Revenue
8. Correspondence
9. Public Comment on any Governmental Issue
10. Executive Session Resolution 11.26.24 –
i. Attorney-Client Privilege & Contract Negotiation – Redevelopment
ii. Attorney-Client Privilege & Potential Contract Negotiation – Dispatch
iii. Attorney-Client Privilege, Contract Negotiation & Potential Property Acquisition
a. Adoption
i. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer
ii. Second: Committeeman Keiser
All in Favor
11. Adjournment