Township of Springfield, County of Union, State of New Jersey
Agenda and Minutes available at
September 10, 2024
NOTE: This may not be the order of business. There may be additions or deletions. Regular Session - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.
1. Call to Order
a. Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a Notice sent to The Star Ledger, The Local Source and posted in the Main Lobby of the Municipal Building and on the Township website.
b. Pledge of Allegiance led by Marc Krauss, Captain (Retired USA), American
Legion Post #228.
c. Moment of Silence
d. Roll Call
2. Proclamations & Announcements
a. Springfield Residents 55+ September 2024 Calendar.
b. Town wide garage sale is scheduled for this weekend September 14th & 15th.
c. Bulk pick up is scheduled for Wednesday September 18, 2024.
d. Senior Bus Trip to Wind Creek Casino. Tuesday October 1st. Register at
e. Cornhole 21+ League Fall 2024. Sundays September-November 2-4pm at Chisholm.
Details and registration at
f. National Voter Registration Day! Tuesday September 17th 10am-5pm at the Springfield Public Library.
g. 9/11 Ceremony assembly starts at 8:30am in front of Town Hall.
h. The Township extends their condolences to the Schwerdt Family on the passing of Don Schwerdt Sr., Retired Police Lieutenant
i. The Township extends their condolences to the Clinton Family on the passing of Terri Clinton, a longtime Springfield resident and the Chief Operating Officer of the Summit Area YMCA.
j. Swearing in of Police Officer Victoria DiMaggio.
k. Swearing in of Fire Fighter Eugene Rawles.
l. Springfield BID Summer Concert Thursday Sept. 12th 5:30pm-7:30pm in front of Town Hall Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy the music of TreeOh and free ice cream by Scream Truck.
3. Public Comment (Agenda Items Only)
4. Reports
a. Administrator’s Report – John Bussiculo
5. Minutes
a. Regular and Executive Minutes of August 13, 2024 and Special Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2024, as emailed.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Committeeman Huber
All in Favor
6. New Business
a. Ordinances
i. Second Reading
1. Ordinance 2024-16 – This ordinance authorizes the Township’s acquisition by
gift of certain real property from Outfront Media LLC as memorialized in a
Property Donation Agreement.
a. Adoption
i. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
ii. Second: Committeeman Huber
iii. Publication: The Star Ledger, September 11, 2024
b. Public Hearing
Roll Call Vote
ii. First Reading
1.Ordinance 2024-17 – This ordinance amends the Township Code to adopt
regulations governing tree removal and replacement in accordance with
guidance from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
a. Adoption
i. Motion: Committeeman Huber
ii. Second: Committeeman Capodice
iii. Publication: The Local Source, September 19, 2024, with final hearing on
October 8, 2024
b. Discussion
Roll Call Vote
b. Resolutions
i. Resolution 2024-210 This resolution authorizes settlement of Tax Appeal entitled, Township of Springfield v. Redstone Garden Apartment, Inc., pending in the Tax Court of New Jersey, for the property located at Block 3601, Lot 3, commonly known as 835 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
ii. Resolution 2024-211 This resolution authorizes the refund for Raffle License #1483 in the amount of $100.00.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
iii. Resolution 2024-212 This resolution approves the promotion of Matthew Negron to the rank of Fifth Class Patrol Officer.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Committeeman Keiser
Roll Call Vote
iv. Resolution 2024-213 This resolution authorizes settlement of Tax Appeal entitled, Township of Springfield v. The Villas, pending in the Tax Court of New Jersey, for the property located at Block 406 Lot 22, commonly known as 200 Springfield Ave, Springfield, NJ.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
v. Resolution 2024-214 This resolution authorizes the execution of a consent letter concerning the modification of equipment at property owned and leased by the Township.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
vi. Resolution 2024- 215 This resolution awards a contract pursuant to public bidding law to Crossroads Paving, for the 2024 Road Project - Contract SP-2024-04 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
vii. Resolution 2024-216 This resolution approves the banner hanging and street closing applications by Saint James Church for a 5k Turkey Trot.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
viii. Resolution 2024-217 This resolution authorizes the refund of property tax
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
ix. Resolution 2024-218 This resolution authorizes the refund of property tax overpayments under the Disabled Veteran Exemption.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
x. Resolution 2024-219 This resolution appoints Deanna DuBois as part-time
substitute Recreation Assistant for the Springfield Recreation Department.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
xi. Resolution 2024-220 This resolution memorializes the purchase and
installation of a traffic controller cabinet from Allan Briteway Electrical
Utility Contractors, Inc.
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
xii. Resolution 2024-221 This resolution awards a contract pursuant to public bidding law to AJM Contractors, Inc., for the Paving Improvement on Pitt Road - Contract SP-2024-05 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
xiii. Resolution 2024-222 This resolution awards a contract pursuant to public bidding law to Portofino Builders, LLC, for the Resurfacing of Milltown Road and Smithfield Drive - Contract SP-2024-03 (COAF).
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor LauferRoll Call Vote
ix. Resolution 2024-223 This resolution rescinds Resolution 2024-194 and awards a contract through the Union County Cooperative Pricing System to Weldon Materials, Inc.
a. Motion: Committeeman Huber
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
c. Discussion/Action Items:
7. Finance
a. Treasurer
i. Payroll & Invoices for the period August 14, 2024 through September 10, 2024, in the
amount of $9,800,316.21
1. Adoption
a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser
b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer
Roll Call Vote
8. Correspondence
a. Township of Westfield Land Use Ordinance 2024-21 in regard to definition of floor area.
b. Union County Surrogate’s Court opened a satellite office in Westfield. Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment only.
c. JCP&L virtual public hearing, Monday September 16, 2024, at 4:30pm. BPU Docket No. ER24030191.
d. Public Hearing: Planning Board Thursday September 12, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Municipal Building, variance Gruskin Group.
e. Township of Millburn, Land Use Ordinance 2687-24 with final hearing on October 1 at 7pm
9. Public Comment on any Governmental Issue
10. Adjournment