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Township Committee Agenda Tuesday January 28th 2025 , 7 PM

Updated: Jan 29


Township of Springfield, County of Union, State of New Jersey

Agenda and Minutes available at 


       Township Committee – January 28, 2025 at 7 p.m.

NOTE: This may not be the order of business. There may be additions or deletions. Regular Session - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.

1. Call to Order

a. Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the Public Laws of 1975, Chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a Notice sent to The Star Ledger, The Local Source and posted in the Main Lobby of the Municipal Building and on the Township website.

b. Pledge of Allegiance led by Carl Ostergaard, Jr., Vice Commander, American Legion Post #228.

c. Moment of Silence

d. Roll Call

2. Proclamations & Announcements

a. Christmas trees will be collected curbside through the month of January.  Please remove lights, decorations, wire, tree stands and plastic bags.

b. Township extends condolences to DPW Buildings & Ground Technician Bob Sabol

    and his family on the passing of his Father, Springfield Retired Corporal James

    Sabol on January 26.


3. Public Comment (Agenda Items Only)

4. Reports

a.  Administrator’s Report – John Bussiculo

b.  Department Head Monthly Reports, as emailed


5. Minutes

          a. Regular Meeting and Executive Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2024 and

              November 26, 2024 as emailed.


                       a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser

                       b. Second: Committeeman Weber

                           All in Favor


     6. New Business

          a. Ordinances

               i. Second Reading - None


               ii. First Reading

                           1. Ordinance 2025-03 This Ordinance amends the Township Code at Chapter 7 to

                               amend the Township’s traffic regulations prohibiting right turns on red as


                                    a. Adoption

                                       i. Motion: Committeeman Weber

                                      ii. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                     iii. Publication: The Local Source, February 6, 2025, with final hearing on

                                         February 25, 2025.

                                       b. Discussion

                                           Roll Call Vote


      b. Resolutions

                      i. Resolution 2025-51 This resolution approves the banner hanging application by

                         The Rotary Club of Springfield.

  1. Adoption     

                      a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice          

                      b. Second: Committeeman Keiser

                          Roll Call Vote


          ii. Resolution 2025-52 This resolution authorizes the Township of Springfield to

              enter into a contract with Garden State Fireworks, Inc., for the Township’s

              Fourth of July fireworks display (COAF).

                    1. Adoption

a.  Motion: Committeeman Capodice

b.  Second: Committeeman Keiser

  Roll Call Vote


           iii. Resolution 2025-53 This resolution authorizes an agreement with Alpine

                Consulting, Inc., DBA AccuScan, for document scanning and management

                Services under Contract #ESCNJ 22/23-11.

                              1. Adoption

 a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer

 b. Second: Committeeman Weber

    Roll Call Vote


                       iv. Resolution 2025-54 This resolution authorizes Bond Reimbursements to New

                           Jersey American Water for certain completed projects from 2021.

       1. Adoption

     a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice

     b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer     Roll Call Vote   


               v. Resolution 2025-55 This resolution authorizes the Person-to-Person Transfer

                   of Plenary Retail Consumption License #2017-33-014-010, from Golden Klover

                   3 LLC to 272 Holdings LLC.

       1. Adoption

     a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice

        b. Second: Committeeman Keiser

         Roll Call Vote 


                vi. Resolution 2025-56 This resolution authorizes the assignment of the pool

                     concessions contract to Elite Concessions LLC and the exercise of a one-

                     year option of the contract covering the 2025 summer season.

       1. Adoption

     a. Motion: Committeeman Weber

        b. Second: Committeeman Keiser

         Roll Call Vote 


vii. Resolution 2025-57 This resolution awards a Professional Service contract to

     Greenman-Pederson Inc. (GPI) for Resurfacing of Diamond Road and Lawrence

     Road Grant award from NJDOT State Aid Project, SP-2025-01. (COAF)

             1. Adoption

                 a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice

                 b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                     Roll Call Vote


viii. Resolution 2025-58 This Resolution authorizes a contract award to Allan

      Briteway Electrical Utility Contractors, Inc. for the repair, purchase and

      installation of traffic controller cabinets, traffic lights and related electrical

      components on an as-needed basis.


                                           a. Motion: Committeeman Capodice

                                           b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                               Roll Call Vote


                        ix. Resolution 2025-59 This resolution of the Township Committee of the Township

                             of Springfield is committing to Fourth Round Present and Prospective Need

                             Affordable Housing Obligations.


                                          a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser

                                          b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                              Roll Call Vote


                         x. Resolution 2025-60 This resolution approves the appointment of Angelo

                             Bonavitacola as a Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II.


                                          a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                          b. Second: Committeeman Weber

                                             Roll Call Vote


                         xi. Resolution 2025-61 This resolution approves the appointment of Judd

                              Levenson as a Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II.


                                           a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                           b. Second: Committeeman Weber

                                              Roll Call Vote


             xii. Resolution 2025-62 This resolution approves the appointment of Antonio Nacci

                          as a Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II.


                                     a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                     b. Second: Committeeman Weber

                                          Roll Call Vote


                xiii. Resolution 2025-63 – This resolution approves the appointment of Eric A. Serio  

                      as a Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II.


                                    a. Motion: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                    b. Second: Committeeman Weber

                                        Roll Call Vote


                   xiv. Resolution 2025-64 - This resolution authorizes the hiring of Paulette Beck to serve

                         as Construction Control Person in the Department of Engineering, Construction

                         Services and Code Enforcement.


   a. Motion: Committeeman Weber

   b. Second:  Deputy Mayor Laufer

        Roll Call Vote


                    xv. Resolution 2025-65 – This resolution authorizes the issuance of a request for

                          qualifications and proposals for certain professional services for the 2025

                          calendar as part of a Fair and Open Process.


                                      a.Motion: Committeeman Keiser

                                      b.Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                                          Roll Call



   c. Discussion/Action Items:

             i. The Township accepts the resignation of Bonnie Lafazan as a Member of the Rent

                Leveling Board with the position expiring on December 31, 2025.

                  1. Adoption

                     a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser

                     b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                         All in Favor


              ii. Accept donation of Laurel Park equipment shed by Soccer Club of Springfield (SCS)

                  that includes extra vents and windows and delivery. (Value: Approximately $3,000.00).


                       a. Motion: Committeeman Weber

                       b. Second: Committeeman Keiser

                          Roll Call Vote


              iii. Appoint Rita Faundez as the Mayor’s Representative to the Springfield Free Public

                  Library for a one-year term, expiring December 31, 2025.


                        a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser

                        b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

                           All in Favor


     7. Finance 

           a. Treasurer

                i. Payroll & Invoices for the period, January 15, 2025 through January 28, 2025 in the amount of $729,912.06.

                     1. Adoption

 a. Motion: Committeeman Keiser

 b. Second: Deputy Mayor Laufer

     Roll Call Vote


8. Correspondence

         a. Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority Connection Fee Update


9. Public Comment on any Governmental Issue


10. Executive Session Resolution 1.28.25 – Attorney-Client Privilege & Personnel

                 a. Adoption

                    i. Motion: Committeeman Capodice

                   ii. Second: Committeeman Keiser

                      All in Favor

















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